Monday Morning Blues
Time : 7 AM Early Monday morning Partied late into the night.Hangover still continues.Nothing doing have to reach office in time for the meeting with Boss! Time :8:00 AM Location :Some Office Boss - What is the difference between a job and a career? I have no fucking clue what is the difference between the two,neither have I thought about it.But since my boss has asked there must be some difference.After much thinking I replied "Job is something which we do for our living and career is our constant progress in the profession " I felt like giving out sermon from the Bible.But somehow it felt bloody good. Boss - No ,no!Its a simple one word answer.The difference between the two is simple,its " perspective ". Thats cheating!Never did you mention you wanted a one word answer.Even if you wanted one how am I supposed to know which fucking word you have in mind. Boss - Your productivity for the previous week has been .689 against the one previous to it which showed .748...