Seven Habits of Highly Inefficient People!
Disclaimer : The examples quoted in this article are no way remotely, either directly or indirectly related to the author.Do not get ideas punks! 1.Habit #1 - And this part is called waking up! Sometimes I feel along with the rotation of the Earth along its axis ,there has been a relative movement in the horizontal direction of all species over the years.An aspect which evolution hasnt been able to account for.What makes me think so? lemme explain - What time do you wake up? 8AM?9AM?10AM or you have flexi timings in your office ! Given a chance you wouldnt have woken up!This makes me feel we ought to have been part of a different time zone altogether.Else how could such an important activity be so similar! Wake up folks! 2.HABIT #2 - Called the skipping lunch episode Human beings can be classified as either herbivore or carnivore.However with the advent of these "highly ineffective people" we have a breed called "fuckthevore" who are just too disinterested in eating...